The Penny Bun also is known as Porcini Mushroom in Italy (little pigs), Cep Mushroom in France (because of the Fat Stem) and Steinpilz (Stone Mushroom) in Germany.
The Penny Bun gets it name in he United Kingdom from have a brown crusty top resembling a bread bun and in historical times a 'Bread Bun' cost a 'penny'. The underneath and stem are usually pure white when freshly fruited. Slugs love these and seem too find them within a few hours of rising through the forest and woodland floor.
They are well known for their robust flavours when dried and when fresh are perfect to compliment any savoury dish.
The Penny Bun Mushroom is a Gourmet Mushroom and prized by many cooks and chefs.
Penny Bun Mushrooms / Porcini Mushrooms are one of the most sought-after wild mushrooms due to their fine textures, versatility and fine flavours.
The health benefits of the Penny Bun / Porcini Mushroom contains natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, and are a rich source of fibre as well as being low in calories and saturated and unsaturated fat.
We wildly harvest and handpick our Porcini Mushrooms /Penny Bun from the Woodland and Forest floors in the Highlands of Scotland
We lovingly handpick this beautiful majestic and strong mushroom, clean and prepare to eat either fresh or dry at the most proficient temperature to retain the nutrients within the porcini mushroom.